best pillow for neck pain and headaches

Best Pillow for Neck Pain and Headaches – Comfortac Shredded Memory Foam Pillow Review

The Way To Select The Best Pillow For Neck Pain And Headaches

Shredded Memory Foam Pillow by Comfortac
Shredded Memory Foam Pillow by Comfortac

Comfortac Shredded Memory Foam Pillow contains a special material within it which usually operates when pressure on it is applied and this causes it to take the desired shape of the person sleeping. They are not as cheap as the microfiber or feather pillows but they are also not as expensive as the latex pillows. The price of these pillows makes them quite affordable for everyone to use. This is the best pillow for neck pain and headaches.

Key Features of the Best Pillow for Neck Pain and Headaches

The following are some of the important features of shredded memory foam:

  • When you rest your head on the bed pillow the foam in it takes the shape of not only your head but also of your neck, ear, shoulders and whichever body part touches it.
  • It comes with a pillow case which is 100% made out of cotton that shrouds the pillow.
  • This pillow cover that comes with the pillow is totally detachable and this makes it easily washable in case of any unwanted spillage.
  • It is available in King and Queen Size
  • The king size pillow comes is generally 36 x 19 x 6.8 inches, on the other hand, the queen size pillow comes in the size 28 x 19 x 6.8 inches
  • It is available with an extra 20% fill which can be added or removed as per the users wish for every position that they sleep in.
  • The inside matter of the shredded memory foam is devoid of any TCEP flame retardants.


There are different types of designs available when it comes to memory foam pillows like down or buckwheat. But they all prioritize your comfort when your head lies on the pillow as these are the best pillow for neck pain and headaches. The one you chose depends on what you need the most for a comfortable night’s sleep as each is different from the other as is the purpose that they serve. Contour, Shredded, Wedge, and Traditional are generally the types available in Memory foam pillows.

Shredded memory foam pillow is completely different from the other types of memory foam pillow that are available for use. These types of pillows are rectangular in shape bearing similarity with the type of pillows used generally. The size of these pillows usually comes in different categories like King, Queen and Standard. The measurements of these slightly vary from brand to brand. The heights of these kinds of pillows are average. They are neither too high nor too low and thus can be used by people sleeping in different sleep position. The name of these pillows derives from the fact that they are filled with hundreds and thousands of shredded foam pieces that are compressed together to form the pillow. This way the pillow becomes more breathable that is it allows the person using it to sleep cooler without any heat trap. The shapes of these kinds of pillows are generally adjusted to your will.


Supportive pillow case offers extra soft touch
Supportive pillow case offers extra soft touch

It is certified as breathable as it will allow you to sleep cooler without any heat trap. The material inside will take the shape of the part that touches it and this allows you to sleep comfortably. It has been made of TECP flame retardants. It is 100% cotton which provides great ventilation and makes it extra breathable which polyester material can hardly provide. You can also add or remove the foam inside as per your comfort because an extra 20% foam fill is available with this pillow so that you can adjust the foams to cater your need every time you sleep.

Before you set out to purchase anything it is better if you have a clear picture of what you are buying. Not only the good bit but you should also be aware of the bad bit as well so that you can avoid any bad buy. The following are the pros and cons of this product across all types.


By using these kinds of pillows you can be sure that your spine will stay perfectly aligned while you sleep on your side or on the back.

People who like firm pillows rather than too plush or soft then you can safely purchase this type of pillow as the density is medium-firm.

These pillows will relieve you of your shoulder, back and neck pains as it allows the muscle to relax while resting but at the same time it provides support to them.

The viscoelastic foams are considered as supportive filling in the contoured type. They provide a steady support for the upper part of the body all night.

Shredded memory foam pillow can be washed in the machine but before doing that go through the instruction provided by the manufacturer. In the case of the contoured one remove the cover and wash it as the pillow cannot be washed.

These pillows will not cause you any kind of allergies because of the quality of the foams that are present in them. So people suffering from asthma or any allergic reaction can use them safely.


They are slightly heavier than the other pillows because of the foam that is in them. But the difference in weight is not much.

The feature of heat retention might be considered as negative. In hot climates, this can cause discomfort to the person who is using them. But now a day’s gel foams and other techniques are used to ensure comfort to the user.


Comfortac Shredded Memory Foam Pillow is fully adjustable, its wonderful firmness can give your neck and head a great support, also you can adjust the height easily. Its 100% cotton pillow case is another great aspect, it makes the pillow case more breathable. Overall, we believe it's the best pillow for neck pain and headaches in the market.

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